Thursday, November 22, 2012

Daun teh

3 jam perjalanan kita tempuh.
Selama itu pula tanganmu erat mendekapku.
Kita disambut gerimis yang menjadikannya hujan.

Langit mendung namun kutahu hati kita secerah daun-daun teh itu, sayangku.

Hijau daun teh ini serupa cinta kita, kasihku.
Segar sekaligus sejuk.

(puisi ini sengaja tidak diselesaikan)

Sunday, November 11, 2012


if you believe with signs, 
you will realize that God lead you
to the right path, to your destiny.

2 weeks later for sure I saw several signs. It was started from EHEF event at Jakarta and finally today I realize those were signs. Today I just saw and read some pages of Merry Riana book "Mimpi Sejuta Dollar". I found this book accidentally when I was take shelter due to heavy rain is happening.

Everythings happen accidentally with sort term period. Those are signs. I just need to take action, do the preparation, then execute it when the opportunity comes!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

After I Graduate

One year left since I graduate. And today everything seems going well. Ya beberapa memang berjalan dengan baik, namun yang lain tidak. 5 tahun sudah saya berada jauh dari rumah, keluarga, dan Bali. 4 tahun pertama terasa menyenangkan karena ada banyak sahabat yang bisa diandalkan. Saat ini pun ada, namun kehidupan sudah tidak sesederhana ketika kuliah.

Banyak hal yang terlewatkan karena pekerjaan tidak bisa di stop, harus fokus, efisien, dan almost 24 hours 7 days. Yes, its the real world, we have to face it and learn to be mature. Time management must be improved, less sleep, more action than thinking and planning. And last but not least, enjoy the weekend.

One year left since I graduate. I learn a lot of thing here. 
Saya sadar bahwa saya belajar dan tahu lebih banyak daripada sebelumnya. Sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah diperoleh di dalam textbook, sesuatu yang diperoleh karena kita harus berhadapan dengan masalah itu sehingga kita benar-benar "learning by doing". 

Setahun telah berlalu, cukup sudah berleha-leha. Semua rencana harus dieksekusi segera, kurangi istirahat, perbanyak kerja untuk diri sendiri, untuk keluarga, untuk yang disayang, untuk masa depan. Beberapa "self project" harus segera diselesaikan. 

Hey, wake up man. 2013 is waiting for you. Ready or not the day will come soon.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Ship to Ship Transhipment Network Optimization

Ship to Ship Transhipment Network Optimization
Gede Wahyu Yoga Dana

Ship to ship (STS) is type of ship operation where cargo is transferred from mother vessel to feeder vessel. This operation occur due to several contrains, one of those is draft contraint, channel draft or port draft. Mother vessel load the cargo from supply port then sailing to selected location where STS operation is allowed.  After that, the cargo is transferred from mother vessel to several feeder vessels then transported to demand ports. The mother vessel which is used,  STS location, and the number of ship to service demand ports and should be determined so that the total transportation cost is minimized. To obtain that, the transhipment network model is developed using mix integer linear programming (MILP). Then, the case study in bulk shipping carrier is used to validate model with real STS transhipment problem.

Keyword: Ship to Ship, Transhipment, MILP

Coming soon : End of September 12

Tuesday, July 31, 2012







Coba kita simak setiap hari pasti jasa pencucian motor di Indonesia ini tidak pernah sepi. Selalu saja ada pelanggan bahkan seringkali mengantri antara 30 menit – 1 jam. Hal ini terjadi karena pengguna sepeda motor di Indonesia sangatlah banyak, mungkin hampir sama ataupun lebih dari jumlah penduduk Indonesia. Tak heran bila jasa pencucian sepeda motor selalu ramai setiap hari. Roda ekonomi pun berputar dengan pesatnya, mulai dari tukang cuci, penyedia sabun cuci, dan pemilik lokasi cuci motor kebagian dollar J.
Namun, ada satu hal terlewatkan. Lingkungan kita kebagian limbahnya, kebagian limbah sabun hasil mencuci motor. Beberapa puluh tahun kemudian anak cucu kita yang menanggung dosa kita.
Untuk itu marilah berpikir bersama mengenai judul artikel ini. Desain lokasi jasa pencucian motor yang ramah lingkungan. Aliran air bekas cucian motor tidak langsung dibuang ke selokan namun ditampung dulu untuk diolah. Saya yakin ada teknologi pengolahan sederhana yang bisa diaplikasikan untuk hal ini.
Sekian dulu untuk artikel ini, selanjutnya akan dibahas cost benefit analysis dari aplikasi ide ini dan bagaimana cara mengubah paradigma masyarakat sehingga mau membayar lebih untuk jasa pencucian motor yang ramah lingkungan.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Spreadsheet-Based Decision Support System for Inventory Management and Ship Scheduling

Optimization - Based Decision Support System 
for Inventory Management and Ship Scheduling


In order to distributing product in Indonesia which is archipelago country, company has to use waterway transportation, one of which is ship. By the company, the ship is used to fulfill and replenish warehouse on several islands in Indonesia. In this condition, charter scheme which company usually used to operate the ship is time charter. Scheduling ship with time charter scheme must be proper to avoid low utility which result in high distribution costs. Currently ship scheduling has been done manually using spreadsheet based on the planner knowledge and experience. This makes the planning time become long and exhausting. Besides that, the costs incurred is not evaluated well, thus the distribution costs become high. They rarely use the functions and features in spreadsheet, though there are many features in spreadsheet that when combine will be very helpful for the planner to arrange schedule and decide scenario that is used.

The purpose of this research is to make an integrated system between inventory management and ship scheduling. The inventory and forecast data at each warehouse which available in company enterprises resources planning (ERP) software is linked to Ms. Excel spreadsheet using SQL Server. Then the planner can arrange the planning base on this inventory and forecast data. The result of this research is spreadsheet-base decision support system (DSS) for inventory management and ship scheduling. By using this DSS, planner can decrease planning time, more accurate planning, better decision, and optimize the distribution costs.

Keyword: Inventory, Ship, Scheduling, Spreadsheet, DSS

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Vessel Management System - Spreadsheet Prototype

I start this project by make a prototype using spreadsheet. I divide it into 2 parts, those are ship scheduling and inventory management. Figure 1 below show how I visualize the ship movement. In fig 1 below there are 3 ship (1,2,3), 2 loading port (B,D), 2 discharge port (A,C), 4 ship activity (anchorage, sailing, discharge, loading), load or discharge quantity, and date (planning horizon). 
Figure 1. Gantt Chart Ship Activity

The second part is inventory management which is show in fig 2 below. There are four part in inventory management, those are port name, daily stock movement, and initial stock. The red color in row “out” show the forecast in that day while the black color show the actual volume out from the storage. Using formula “sumifs” I can link the ship scheduling & inventory management so that it can automatically calculate the daily stock every day.
Figure 2. Inventory Management

Finally to notify the officer at discharge point and simplify the planning visualisation I make a chart which show in fig 3. There are four part in that chart represent the safety stock (blue line), storage capacity (red line), planned incoming ship (green column), and daily stock (purple line). The unlabelled column represent the delivery using land transportation which is truck.   
Figure 3. Inventory Management Chart

Okay, enough for tonight because I have to work tomorrow. This part isn't complete yet and I am going to complete it tomorrow. Good night guys. J

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Vessel Management System - First Step

Hi guys..This is my first blog, my first article!!Really happy can share my experience here. I hope my english is good enough to share it to you. Oke let’s go. Here you go.

Currently I am working on one of Multi-Companies in Indonesia. Let’s call it "A", hahahahaha. Nowadays “A” is growing faster, both the market area and the organization. In Indonesia, if you want to larger the market you have to think the strategy in term of supply chain. Why? If you sea Indonesia Map, it will show you vast sea with many islands there. Thus “A” must be think about sea distribution using ship to distribute their product from production point to consumption point.

That what I face now. I have to manage several ships to maintain stock level at number of consumption point.
Source:  (Christiansen, 2007)
Fig. 1. The inventory level at port 3 during the planning horizon

Fig. 1 describe my job now. I have to fulfill the stock before its level touch the safety stock level. Imagine you have 8 ship with 3 loading port (production point) and 7 discharge port (consumption point), your brain will act like computer. I have to calculate several possible combination, choose the best one and do this everyday. Hufff, that really exhausting.

That’s why I propose this project to my manager:

Vessel Management System.
A Computer Based Decision to Manage Inventory & Ship Scheduling.

To make it simple I give the executive summary below.

Thanks to researchers who already work in this field. By reading their reports I know what I will face and how to manage it. Hereunder some references that are used:

§  Christiansen, M., & Fagerholt, K. (2009). Maritime Inventory Routing Problems. Encyclopedia of Optimization , 1947-1954.
§  Christiansen, M., Fagerholt, K., Flatberg, T., Haugen, Ø., Kloster, O., & H. Lund, E. (2008). Maritime inventory routing with multiple products: A case study from the cement industry. Elsevier .
§  Christiansen, M., Fagerholt, K., Nygreen, B., & Ronen, D. (2007). Maritime Transportation. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management , 14, 189–284.
§  Fagerholt, K. (2002). A Computer-Based Decision Support System for Vessel Fleet Scheduling-Experience and Future Research. Elsevier .

OK, enough for today. I’ll continue it tomorrow.See yaaa..

Saturday, June 2, 2012